Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Day I Got Stuck on the Subway (and fell asleep at the bar)

This story actually starts the night before.  Well actually two nights before.  So okay, two nights prior to getting stuck on the subway, we (7 people) were all supposed to go to dinner then go out for drinks.  Well around dinner time we (3 people) find out that it is not dinner just drinks and that we are to meet everybody (4 people) at Pat's to pregame and that everyone else had already eaten.  So since apparently Carlie and I don't know how to listen when people talk and both get rather angry when we haven't eaten, we decided to stop for food before heading downtown.  Ali texts us directions during dinner, so after we eat we head to the 6 and head downtown.  By the way there is a monsoon outside.  The rain is literally coming at you sideways and it is windy and I am in no way dressed properly for the weather.  We get all the way downtown, get off at Canal, walk to Broadway and proceed to walk five block to find Broome St.  Well let me tell you, when you go left on Broadway as opposed to right on Broadway, you end up in Chinatown.  That's right, we walked 5 blocks into the heart of Chinatown at 11 at night. In the rain.  By the way, Chinatown is not the safest place in the city at night.  We are cold, wet, lost, tired, I kinda looked like a wet dog and there is not a drink coming my way for a long time.  We text Ali (and lie to her of course because if we told her the truth she would run into the rain 16 blocks to Chinatown to find us) and said we were going home because we are tired.  The next morning Ali stumbles in around 7:30 to get ready for work and we tell her why we really didn't come.  She feels so bad that automatically we have to go out that night too.  So we all go to work, come home, change and head out for dinner.  We went to this great little sushi place in the Village that had the best ginger dressing! Anyways we head to this bar called Bleeker Heights.  Which by the way I love. It's above a Five Guys. You literally have to walk through the Five Guys and up the stairs to get there.  And which if you know me, drunk eating is my favorite so this place is perfect! The bartender's name is Patrick. He's Irish and told me that he used to only date Sarah's and that if he wasn't married I'd be in trouble.  We did shots of whiskey together.  I proceed to be a slight bit drunk.  So we decide to go to another bar.  All I can tell you is that it's called Joshua Tree.  As soon as we walked in the door, I got the hiccups.  We walked to a table in the back, and...I fell asleep. Right there on the table, in the bar, with my hiccups.  Whitney, being the fabulous roommate that she is, takes me home.  We both wake up the next morning without crashers in our bed.  Let me clarify.  I share a bed with Carlie, and Ali has been crashing in Whitney's bed for the week.  Neither are there.  We call, brief chat, their at brunch, we go get the best bagel I've ever had.  After restocking the paper towels, trash bags, and toilet paper (please see previous post), we head home.  About an hour later, these two coming strolling through the door.  Ali now has to be at the airport in 2 hours.  So let's do a time run down.  It's going to take 1 hour to get to the airport from the time you walk out of our apartment.  Ali is not packed, we have to go find her a charger for her phone, and she has to shower.  Miraculously, we make it out of the apartment at exactly the right time.  Also, I'm sure you are wondering why we are making a group trip to the airport.  We aren't.  Whitney and I are going shopping in Soho and just left when Ali left and have to take the same subway.  Anyways, right before our stop (literally you can see the platform off to the other side but we just aren't close enough to open the doors) the subway comes to a screeching halt. Yep. The emergency brakes went off. They don't know why. And now we are stuck. For 30 minutes.  Let me just tell you, getting stuck on the subway is not fun. And there were these little kids running around thinking the subway car was a playground. It's not. Dear Man, please control your obnoxious children.  But I did take a girls picture for CollegeFashionista.  Anyways, longest 30 minutes ever! And that's the time I got stuck on the subway.

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