Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Clearly my life revolves around food.

Food food food. I love food. Here's the run down on what I ate this weekend.
Friday: Southern Hospitality (Justin Timberlake's restaurant.)
Well Carlie's boxes arrived Thursday, and clearly UPS wouldn't leave them.  Naturally they try again on Friday and won't leave them again. This leads to a trip to the UPS distribution center. Perfect seeing as Rob has ordered me an ethernet cable and forgot to put my apartment number in the address so it too is sitting at the UPS distribution center.  At around 8, we cab it there.  After waiting some period of time, Carlie's boxes are brought to the front.  Obviously they are too heavy for us to carry, so the very nice UPS man wheels them out to the cab for us.  We get home and get the boxes upstairs (miraculously!).  By this point we are starved seeing as it's 9:30 and none of us have eaten since lunch.  Whitney suggests Southern Hospitality which is conveniently located within walking distance from our apartment.  At 9:30 on a Friday night we had a very short wait.  I got the pulled pork sandwich with fries and creamed spinach.  Overall the food was really good, the wine was really good, the atmosphere was great, and the price was reasonable (only $11.95 for my sandwich, but I did pay $6 for a side of spinach).  By the way, the people hanging out at the bar next to our table were role playing. And by that, I mean they would stand back to back and another person with them would make a doorbell sound and then they would talk in different voices. Strange, but this is New York.  Anyways, very good and I would definitely go there again.

Saturday: Agave
It's this great little Mexican place.  I could not tell you where, but I had the best blood orange margarita and tuna thing.  So this tuna, it's kind of like a tuna taco but on a big blue corn chip with this chipotle cream and guacamole (Ps, we ordered guacamole as an appetizer and I don't even like guacamole and this was the best stuff I have ever had! ) and some sort of chunky tomato salsa on top, and it was fab!  Also, our waiter, named Bradley (not Brad...Bradley) was the funniest man! His iPod was what was playing throughout the restaurant and at one point "Popular" from Wicked came on!  No picture of Agave but I swear this is the best Mexican I have ever had. A little bit pricer than Southern Hospitality, but then again I did pay $9 for a margarita and $13 for a grande margarita (clearly the later was a better deal).

Sunday: Le Pescadeux
Sunday, we hit this great little place in Soho called Le Pescadeux.  We made reservations Saturday night as we were walking to dinner, and Patrick decided to make the reservation for six.  There are only five of us.  He tells us he made the sixth seat for whoever brings home a shacker.  This week it was Patrick.  We first walked in and it was really cute.  I then saw the menu.  $14 for all you can drink mimosas or bloody mary's? I knew I was going to like this place.  Needless to say, we took full advantage of the all you can drink. The owner of this place is a man named Chuckie, an ex actor who used to work on broadway, did the first speaking role in a music video, was once married to some singer I can remember the name of but was apparently very popular, is Canadian, majored in economics, was going to get his PHD in economics at Brown until he landed his first role, and is the nicest, funniest man.  I love him.  Even if this place sucked, I would go there just because I love Chuckie so much! There was also this little girl there.  She is 3, speaks 4 languages, half German, half Dutch, lives in Tribecca, sings a summer song in her head because she is tired of the cold, like to ride her bike, her birthday is in May and she wants a doll house.
Alli: What color doll house do you want? Pink?
Little Girl: Red. No Black.
When asked about her party this is what she had to say to Patrick.
Patrick: Are you excited for your birthday? Are you going to have a party?
Little Girl: Yeah. But you're not invited!
This little girl is a true New Yorker and she's only 3! And her party is so exclusive! I love her. I want my kids to be her! We ended up staying at brunch for 3.5 hours.  And yes we were drinking the whole time. We loved this place so much we are going back every week.  And we have decided to always get a table for six just to have the awkward shacker join us the next morning.

The right image would be Ali's foot and this little girl's foot. They are almost the same size.  That's just how small Ali's foot is.

So after brunch, we decide that it would be a good idea to go to Ikea...drunk. Let me tell you, never go to Ikea drunk. When we get there (By the way Ikea is in Brooklyn. We don't know how to get there. And we have to take a bus.), we are so hungry we end up eating at the Ikea cafeteria. Yes, Ikea has a cafeteria. I ended up with meatballs and macaroni and cheese.

Overall, the food was great for being drunk. Would I eat is sober, no. So now let me tell you why going to Ikea drunk is a bad idea.  This is how the process goes. Drunk, a little less drunk, kinda sober, hungover. For those of you that have walked around Ikea know, this is no quick process. We were there for four hours. And we knew what we wanted. The longest part was waiting in line to check out and then get the home delivery.  Let's just put it this way, by the end of the trip Carlie, Whitney, and I were passed out on the bench.  Yes, we were literally asleep on the bench at Ikea waiting on Ali.  Here is the best part.  Ali was talking to this guy in line.
Ali: This is the longest line ever.
Guy behind her: I work in management and this is the worst managed place ever.
Ali: Yeah look these kids in front of me are falling asleep.
Guy: Clearly this place is a bore, I mean just look at those girls over there. They actually fell asleep on the bench.
Ali: Yeah, those are my friends. We came here after brunch...
Guy: What would make you think that was a good idea?!
End of conversation.
Oh by the way, I forgot to mention that it's a hurricane outside. Drunk, cold, rain, Ikea. Awesome.  Moral of the story, never go to Ikea drunk.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious. never stop.
    srsly, love you miss you, keep doin your thing, girl!
