Thursday, April 7, 2011

Laundry Day.

Thankfully, we live right next door to a laundry mat.  This means to do laundry, I all I have to do is walk down the stairs.  If you don’t know, laundry mats only take quarters, and the quarter machine only takes 5’s, 10’s, and 20’s.  Obviously I don’t have any of those, because I never carry cash.  So I walk to the CVS at the corner and buy two little things of Skinny Cow Ice Cream because it’s delicious and get $10 back.  I get home, grab my laundry, and walk downstairs with Whitney.  We don’t bring jackets because all we are doing is walking right back upstairs.  We are both sporting leggings, t-shirts, and UGGs.  We get downstairs and the coin machine is broken. Obviously. Why would it be working? With no clean clothes, laundry had to be done.  So, instead of walking back upstairs to get coats, we head down the street to beg for change.  Picking the cheapest looking places we can find, we begin our hunt.  With $20 in change needed, this was bound to be interesting.  Into the first place we go.  I ask first. “Sir, is there anyway I can have $10 in quarters?” “No but how about $5?” “Great.” I get my $5 in quarters and my $5 and head out.  There was no such luck for Whitney there.  Into the next cheap looking deli.  Whitney asks for $5 and the guy offers $2. Okay well it’s a start. Cheap deli number 3.  I score my remaining $5.  Next door is this run down cheap bakery with only mediocre chocolate chip cookies.  Whitney scores another $2.  At least now, she can do a load of laundry. She can’t dry it, but still. An unlikely place, we go to Duane Reid (it’s like Walgreens or CVS, but not as good.) Amazingly, Whitney scores $3.  This was definitely a shot in the dark. But it worked.  Thirty minutes later and numb, we finally start laundry and now I have clean clothes. Delightful.

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