Monday, February 28, 2011

The Subway Debacle

Yesterday was my first real day in the city, and I decided to combat the homesickness with a little retail therapy in Soho with a couple friends.  After a lovely afternoon of walking, walking, shopping, walking, and walking (I don't really know why people in NY join gyms because all I've done since I got here is walk), I try (try being the key word) to head home.  My handy-dandy iPhone app, iTrans NYC, tells me there is a 6 train stop at Spring St. Of course I can't find it.  So I walk back to the one I knew at Bleeker. Well of course the uptown 6 entrance is closed at Bleeker.  I then walk back to find the Spring St. 6 uptown (by the way during all of this there is supposed to be an F train around which I can't seem to find either).  Finally, I find it and guess what, it's closed as well.  Thank God for the nice subway fix-it man who happened to be standing there when I was trying to go downstairs telling me where to go. Otherwise I may have been stuck in Soho or had to walk back uptown (Which was not going to happen. I would have rather slept on the street than walked all the way back uptown.)  So this lovely man tells me I now must take the 6 two stops downtown and then transfer to the 6 uptown. Incredibly frustrating, seeing as by this point I had the back pain of a pregnant woman and four blisters on each foot from walking so much in improper (but cute) shoes.
Overall, yesterday was a learning day, but I made it through.  Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully I will have a little more figured out by then.